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Posts published in “String”

花花酱 LeetCode 720. Longest Word in Dictionary

Given a list of strings words representing an English Dictionary, find the longest word in words that can be built one character at a time by other words in words. If there is more than one possible answer, return the longest word with the smallest lexicographical order.

If there is no answer, return the empty string.

Example 1:

Example 2:



  • All the strings in the input will only contain lowercase letters.
  • The length of words will be in the range [1, 1000].
  • The length of words[i] will be in the range [1, 30].


Brute force






Trie + Sorting


Trie + No sorting


花花酱 LeetCode 726. Number of Atoms



Given a chemical formula (given as a string), return the count of each atom.

An atomic element always starts with an uppercase character, then zero or more lowercase letters, representing the name.

1 or more digits representing the count of that element may follow if the count is greater than 1. If the count is 1, no digits will follow. For example, H2O and H2O2 are possible, but H1O2 is impossible.

Two formulas concatenated together produce another formula. For example, H2O2He3Mg4 is also a formula.

A formula placed in parentheses, and a count (optionally added) is also a formula. For example, (H2O2) and (H2O2)3 are formulas.

Given a formula, output the count of all elements as a string in the following form: the first name (in sorted order), followed by its count (if that count is more than 1), followed by the second name (in sorted order), followed by its count (if that count is more than 1), and so on.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:


  • All atom names consist of lowercase letters, except for the first character which is uppercase.
  • The length of formula will be in the range [1, 1000].
  • formula will only consist of letters, digits, and round parentheses, and is a valid formula as defined in the problem.




Time complexity: O(n)

Space complexity: O(n)






花花酱 LeetCode 680. Valid Palindrome II


Given a non-empty string s, you may delete at most one character. Judge whether you can make it a palindrome.

Example 1:

Example 2:


  1. The string will only contain lowercase characters a-z. The maximum length of the string is 50000.


Greedy, delete the first unmatched char

Time complexity

