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Posts tagged as “circle”

花花酱 LeetCode 1974. Minimum Time to Type Word Using Special Typewriter

There is a special typewriter with lowercase English letters 'a' to 'z' arranged in a circle with a pointer. A character can only be typed if the pointer is pointing to that character. The pointer is initially pointing to the character 'a'.

Each second, you may perform one of the following operations:

  • Move the pointer one character counterclockwise or clockwise.
  • Type the character the pointer is currently on.

Given a string word, return the minimum number of seconds to type out the characters in word.

Example 1:

Input: word = "abc"
Output: 5
The characters are printed as follows:
- Type the character 'a' in 1 second since the pointer is initially on 'a'.
- Move the pointer clockwise to 'b' in 1 second.
- Type the character 'b' in 1 second.
- Move the pointer clockwise to 'c' in 1 second.
- Type the character 'c' in 1 second.

Example 2:

Input: word = "bza"
Output: 7
The characters are printed as follows:
- Move the pointer clockwise to 'b' in 1 second.
- Type the character 'b' in 1 second.
- Move the pointer counterclockwise to 'z' in 2 seconds.
- Type the character 'z' in 1 second.
- Move the pointer clockwise to 'a' in 1 second.
- Type the character 'a' in 1 second.

Example 3:

Input: word = "zjpc"
Output: 34
The characters are printed as follows:
- Move the pointer counterclockwise to 'z' in 1 second.
- Type the character 'z' in 1 second.
- Move the pointer clockwise to 'j' in 10 seconds.
- Type the character 'j' in 1 second.
- Move the pointer clockwise to 'p' in 6 seconds.
- Type the character 'p' in 1 second.
- Move the pointer counterclockwise to 'c' in 13 seconds.
- Type the character 'c' in 1 second.


  • 1 <= word.length <= 100
  • word consists of lowercase English letters.

Solution: Clockwise or Counter-clockwise?

For each pair of (prev, curr), choose the shortest distance.
One is abs(p – c), another is 26 – abs(p – c).
Don’t forget to add 1 for typing itself.

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)


花花酱 LeetCode 1828. Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle

You are given an array points where points[i] = [xi, yi] is the coordinates of the ith point on a 2D plane. Multiple points can have the same coordinates.

You are also given an array queries where queries[j] = [xj, yj, rj] describes a circle centered at (xj, yj) with a radius of rj.

For each query queries[j], compute the number of points inside the jth circle. Points on the border of the circle are considered inside.

Return an array answer, where answer[j] is the answer to the jth query.

Example 1:

Input: points = [[1,3],[3,3],[5,3],[2,2]], queries = [[2,3,1],[4,3,1],[1,1,2]]
Output: [3,2,2]
Explanation: The points and circles are shown above.
queries[0] is the green circle, queries[1] is the red circle, and queries[2] is the blue circle.

Example 2:

Input: points = [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3],[4,4],[5,5]], queries = [[1,2,2],[2,2,2],[4,3,2],[4,3,3]]
Output: [2,3,2,4]
Explanation: The points and circles are shown above.
queries[0] is green, queries[1] is red, queries[2] is blue, and queries[3] is purple.


  • 1 <= points.length <= 500
  • points[i].length == 2
  • 0 <= xā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹i, yā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹i <= 500
  • 1 <= queries.length <= 500
  • queries[j].length == 3
  • 0 <= xj, yj <= 500
  • 1 <= rj <= 500
  • All coordinates are integers.

Solution: Brute Force

Time complexity: O(P * Q)
Space complexity: O(1)


花花酱 LeetCode 1453. Maximum Number of Darts Inside of a Circular Dartboard

You have a very large square wall and a circular dartboard placed on the wall. You have been challenged to throw darts into the board blindfolded. Darts thrown at the wall are represented as an array of points on a 2D plane. 

Return the maximum number of points that are within or lie on any circular dartboard of radius r.

Example 1:

Input: points = [[-2,0],[2,0],[0,2],[0,-2]], r = 2
Output: 4
Explanation: Circle dartboard with center in (0,0) and radius = 2 contain all points.

Example 2:

Input: points = [[-3,0],[3,0],[2,6],[5,4],[0,9],[7,8]], r = 5
Output: 5
Explanation: Circle dartboard with center in (0,4) and radius = 5 contain all points except the point (7,8).

Example 3:

Input: points = [[-2,0],[2,0],[0,2],[0,-2]], r = 1
Output: 1

Example 4:

Input: points = [[1,2],[3,5],[1,-1],[2,3],[4,1],[1,3]], r = 2
Output: 4


  • 1 <= points.length <= 100
  • points[i].length == 2
  • -10^4 <= points[i][0], points[i][1] <= 10^4
  • 1 <= r <= 5000

Solution 1: Angular Sweep

See for more details:

Time complexity: O(n^2*logn)
Space complexity: O(n^2)


花花酱 LeetCode 1401. Circle and Rectangle Overlapping

Given a circle represented as (radiusx_centery_center) and an axis-aligned rectangle represented as (x1y1x2y2), where (x1y1) are the coordinates of the bottom-left corner, and (x2y2) are the coordinates of the top-right corner of the rectangle.

Return True if the circle and rectangle are overlapped otherwise return False.

In other words, check if there are any point (xi, yi) such that belongs to the circle and the rectangle at the same time.

Example 1:

Input: radius = 1, x_center = 0, y_center = 0, x1 = 1, y1 = -1, x2 = 3, y2 = 1
Output: true
Explanation: Circle and rectangle share the point (1,0) 

Example 2:

Input: radius = 1, x_center = 0, y_center = 0, x1 = -1, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 1
Output: true

Example 3:

Input: radius = 1, x_center = 1, y_center = 1, x1 = -3, y1 = -3, x2 = 3, y2 = 3
Output: true

Example 4:

Input: radius = 1, x_center = 1, y_center = 1, x1 = 1, y1 = -3, x2 = 2, y2 = -1
Output: false


  • 1 <= radius <= 2000
  • -10^4 <= x_center, y_center, x1, y1, x2, y2 <= 10^4
  • x1 < x2
  • y1 < y2

Solution: Geometry

Find the shortest distance from the center to the rectangle, return dist <= radius.

Time complexity: O(1)
Space complexity: O(1)
