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花花酱 LeetCode 152. Maximum Product Subarray

Given an integer array nums, find a contiguous non-empty subarray within the array that has the largest product, and return the product.

It is guaranteed that the answer will fit in a 32-bit integer.

subarray is a contiguous subsequence of the array.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [2,3,-2,4]
Output: 6
Explanation: [2,3] has the largest product 6.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [-2,0,-1]
Output: 0
Explanation: The result cannot be 2, because [-2,-1] is not a subarray.


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 2 * 104
  • -10 <= nums[i] <= 10
  • The product of any prefix or suffix of nums is guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit integer.

Solution: Track high and low

Compute the low / high of prefix product, reset if nums[i] is higher than high or lower than low.

Swap low and high if nums[i] is a negative number.

e.g. [2, 3, -1, 8, -2]
nums[i] = 2, low = 2, high = 2
nums[i] = 3, low = 3, high = 2 * 3 = 6
nums[i] = -1, low = 6 * -1 = -6, high = -1
nums[i] = 8, low = -6 * 8 = -48, high = 8
nums[i] = -2, low = 8*-2 = -16, high = -48 * -2 = 96

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)


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