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Posts published in “Array”

花花酱 LeetCode 2078. Two Furthest Houses With Different Colors

There are n houses evenly lined up on the street, and each house is beautifully painted. You are given a 0-indexed integer array colors of length n, where colors[i] represents the color of the ith house.

Return the maximum distance between two houses with different colors.

The distance between the ith and jth houses is abs(i - j), where abs(x) is the absolute value of x.

Example 1:

Input: colors = [1,1,1,6,1,1,1]
Output: 3
Explanation: In the above image, color 1 is blue, and color 6 is red.
The furthest two houses with different colors are house 0 and house 3.
House 0 has color 1, and house 3 has color 6. The distance between them is abs(0 - 3) = 3.
Note that houses 3 and 6 can also produce the optimal answer.

Example 2:

Input: colors = [1,8,3,8,3]
Output: 4
Explanation: In the above image, color 1 is blue, color 8 is yellow, and color 3 is green.
The furthest two houses with different colors are house 0 and house 4.
House 0 has color 1, and house 4 has color 3. The distance between them is abs(0 - 4) = 4.

Example 3:

Input: colors = [0,1]
Output: 1
Explanation: The furthest two houses with different colors are house 0 and house 1.
House 0 has color 0, and house 1 has color 1. The distance between them is abs(0 - 1) = 1.


  • n == colors.length
  • 2 <= n <= 100
  • 0 <= colors[i] <= 100
  • Test data are generated such that at least two houses have different colors.

Solution 1: Brute Force

Try all pairs.
Time complexity: O(n2)
Space complexity: O(1)


Solution 2: Greedy / One pass

First house or last house must be involved in the ans.

Scan the house and check with first and last house.

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)


花花酱 LeetCode 2057. Smallest Index With Equal Value

Given a 0-indexed integer array nums, return the smallest index i of nums such that i mod 10 == nums[i], or -1 if such index does not exist.

x mod y denotes the remainder when x is divided by y.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [0,1,2]
Output: 0
i=0: 0 mod 10 = 0 == nums[0].
i=1: 1 mod 10 = 1 == nums[1].
i=2: 2 mod 10 = 2 == nums[2].
All indices have i mod 10 == nums[i], so we return the smallest index 0.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [4,3,2,1]
Output: 2
i=0: 0 mod 10 = 0 != nums[0].
i=1: 1 mod 10 = 1 != nums[1].
i=2: 2 mod 10 = 2 == nums[2].
i=3: 3 mod 10 = 3 != nums[3].
2 is the only index which has i mod 10 == nums[i].

Example 3:

Input: nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
Output: -1
Explanation: No index satisfies i mod 10 == nums[i].

Example 4:

Input: nums = [2,1,3,5,2]
Output: 1
Explanation: 1 is the only index with i mod 10 == nums[i].


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 100
  • 0 <= nums[i] <= 9

Solution: Brute Force

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)


花花酱 LeetCode 2022. Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array

You are given a 0-indexed 1-dimensional (1D) integer array original, and two integers, m and n. You are tasked with creating a 2-dimensional (2D) array with m rows and n columns using all the elements from original.

The elements from indices 0 to n - 1 (inclusive) of original should form the first row of the constructed 2D array, the elements from indices n to 2 * n - 1 (inclusive) should form the second row of the constructed 2D array, and so on.

Return an m x n 2D array constructed according to the above procedure, or an empty 2D array if it is impossible.

Example 1:

Input: original = [1,2,3,4], m = 2, n = 2
Output: [[1,2],[3,4]]
The constructed 2D array should contain 2 rows and 2 columns.
The first group of n=2 elements in original, [1,2], becomes the first row in the constructed 2D array.
The second group of n=2 elements in original, [3,4], becomes the second row in the constructed 2D array.

Example 2:

Input: original = [1,2,3], m = 1, n = 3
Output: [[1,2,3]]
The constructed 2D array should contain 1 row and 3 columns.
Put all three elements in original into the first row of the constructed 2D array.

Example 3:

Input: original = [1,2], m = 1, n = 1
Output: []
There are 2 elements in original.
It is impossible to fit 2 elements in a 1x1 2D array, so return an empty 2D array.

Example 4:

Input: original = [3], m = 1, n = 2
Output: []
There is 1 element in original.
It is impossible to make 1 element fill all the spots in a 1x2 2D array, so return an empty 2D array.


  • 1 <= original.length <= 5 * 104
  • 1 <= original[i] <= 105
  • 1 <= m, n <= 4 * 104

Solution: Brute Force

the i-th element in original array will have index (i//n, i % n) in the 2D array.

Time complexity: O(n*m)
Space complexity: O(n*m)


花花酱 LeetCode 2038. Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same Color

There are n pieces arranged in a line, and each piece is colored either by 'A' or by 'B'. You are given a string colors of length n where colors[i] is the color of the ith piece.

Alice and Bob are playing a game where they take alternating turns removing pieces from the line. In this game, Alice moves first.

  • Alice is only allowed to remove a piece colored 'A' if both its neighbors are also colored 'A'. She is not allowed to remove pieces that are colored 'B'.
  • Bob is only allowed to remove a piece colored 'B' if both its neighbors are also colored 'B'. He is not allowed to remove pieces that are colored 'A'.
  • Alice and Bob cannot remove pieces from the edge of the line.
  • If a player cannot make a move on their turn, that player loses and the other player wins.

Assuming Alice and Bob play optimally, return true if Alice wins, or return false if Bob wins.

Example 1:

Input: colors = "AAABABB"
Output: true
Alice moves first.
She removes the second 'A' from the left since that is the only 'A' whose neighbors are both 'A'.

Now it's Bob's turn.
Bob cannot make a move on his turn since there are no 'B's whose neighbors are both 'B'.
Thus, Alice wins, so return true.

Example 2:

Input: colors = "AA"
Output: false
Alice has her turn first.
There are only two 'A's and both are on the edge of the line, so she cannot move on her turn.
Thus, Bob wins, so return false.

Example 3:

Input: colors = "ABBBBBBBAAA"
Output: false
Alice moves first.
Her only option is to remove the second to last 'A' from the right.

Next is Bob's turn.
He has many options for which 'B' piece to remove. He can pick any.

On Alice's second turn, she has no more pieces that she can remove.
Thus, Bob wins, so return false.


  • 1 <= colors.length <= 105
  • colors consists of only the letters 'A' and 'B'

Solution: Counting

Count how many ‘AAA’s and ‘BBB’s.

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)


花花酱 LeetCode 2027. Minimum Moves to Convert String

You are given a string s consisting of n characters which are either 'X' or 'O'.

move is defined as selecting three consecutive characters of s and converting them to 'O'. Note that if a move is applied to the character 'O', it will stay the same.

Return the minimum number of moves required so that all the characters of s are converted to 'O'.

Example 1:

Input: s = "XXX"
Output: 1
Explanation: XXX -> OOO
We select all the 3 characters and convert them in one move.

Example 2:

Input: s = "XXOX"
Output: 2
Explanation: XXOX -> OOOX -> OOOO
We select the first 3 characters in the first move, and convert them to 'O'.
Then we select the last 3 characters and convert them so that the final string contains all 'O's.

Example 3:

Input: s = "OOOO"
Output: 0
Explanation: There are no 'X's in s to convert.


  • 3 <= s.length <= 1000
  • s[i] is either 'X' or 'O'.

Solution: Straight Forward

if s[i] == ‘X’, change s[i], s[i + 1] and s[i + 2] to ‘O’.

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)
