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Posts published in “Simulation”

花花酱 LeetCode 803. Bricks Falling When Hit



We have a grid of 1s and 0s; the 1s in a cell represent bricks.  A brick will not drop if and only if it is directly connected to the top of the grid, or at least one of its (4-way) adjacent bricks will not drop.

We will do some erasures sequentially. Each time we want to do the erasure at the location (i, j), the brick (if it exists) on that location will disappear, and then some other bricks may drop because of that erasure.

Return an array representing the number of bricks that will drop after each erasure in sequence.

Example 1:
grid = [[1,0,0,0],[1,1,1,0]]
hits = [[1,0]]
Output: [2]
If we erase the brick at (1, 0), the brick at (1, 1) and (1, 2) will drop. So we should return 2.
Example 2:
grid = [[1,0,0,0],[1,1,0,0]]
hits = [[1,1],[1,0]]
Output: [0,0]
When we erase the brick at (1, 0), the brick at (1, 1) has already disappeared due to the last move. So each erasure will cause no bricks dropping.  Note that the erased brick (1, 0) will not be counted as a dropped brick.


  1. For each day, hit and clear the specified brick.
  2. Find all connected components (CCs) using DFS.
  3. For each CC, if there is no brick that is on the first row that the entire cc will drop. Clear those CCs.

Solution: DFS



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花花酱 LeetCode 799. Champagne Tower



We stack glasses in a pyramid, where the first row has 1 glass, the second row has 2 glasses, and so on until the 100th row.  Each glass holds one cup (250ml) of champagne.

Then, some champagne is poured in the first glass at the top.  When the top most glass is full, any excess liquid poured will fall equally to the glass immediately to the left and right of it.  When those glasses become full, any excess champagne will fall equally to the left and right of those glasses, and so on.  (A glass at the bottom row has it’s excess champagne fall on the floor.)

For example, after one cup of champagne is poured, the top most glass is full.  After two cups of champagne are poured, the two glasses on the second row are half full.  After three cups of champagne are poured, those two cups become full – there are 3 full glasses total now.  After four cups of champagne are poured, the third row has the middle glass half full, and the two outside glasses are a quarter full, as pictured below.

Now after pouring some non-negative integer cups of champagne, return how full the j-th glass in the i-th row is (both i and j are 0 indexed.)




  • poured will be in the range of [0, 10 ^ 9].
  • query_glass and query_row will be in the range of [0, 99].

Idea: DP + simulation

define dp[i][j] as the volume of champagne will be poured into the j -th glass in the i-th row, dp[i][j] can be greater than 1.

Init dp[0][0] = poured.

Transition: if dp[i][j] > 1, it will overflow, the overflow part will be evenly distributed to dp[i+1][j], dp[i+1][j+1]

if dp[i][j] > 1:
dp[i+1][j] += (dp[i][j] – 1) / 2.0
dp[i+1][j + 1] += (dp[i][j] – 1) / 2.0

Answer: min(1.0, dp[query_row][query_index])

Solution 1:


Time complexity: O(100*100)

Space complexity: O(100*100)




Time complexity: O(rows * 100)

Space complexity: O(100)




花花酱 LeetCode 495. Teemo Attacking



In LOL world, there is a hero called Teemo and his attacking can make his enemy Ashe be in poisoned condition. Now, given the Teemo’s attacking ascending time series towards Ashe and the poisoning time duration per Teemo’s attacking, you need to output the total time that Ashe is in poisoned condition.

You may assume that Teemo attacks at the very beginning of a specific time point, and makes Ashe be in poisoned condition immediately.

Example 1:

Input: [1,4], 2
Output: 4
Explanation: At time point 1, Teemo starts attacking Ashe and makes Ashe be poisoned immediately. 
This poisoned status will last 2 seconds until the end of time point 2. 
And at time point 4, Teemo attacks Ashe again, and causes Ashe to be in poisoned status for another 2 seconds. 
So you finally need to output 4.

Example 2:

Input: [1,2], 2
Output: 3
Explanation: At time point 1, Teemo starts attacking Ashe and makes Ashe be poisoned. 
This poisoned status will last 2 seconds until the end of time point 2. 
However, at the beginning of time point 2, Teemo attacks Ashe again who is already in poisoned status. 
Since the poisoned status won't add up together, though the second poisoning attack will still work at time point 2, it will stop at the end of time point 3. 
So you finally need to output 3.


  1. You may assume the length of given time series array won’t exceed 10000.
  2. You may assume the numbers in the Teemo’s attacking time series and his poisoning time duration per attacking are non-negative integers, which won’t exceed 10,000,000.

Idea: Running Process

Compare the current attack time with the last one, if span is more than duration, add duration to total, otherwise add (curr – last).





花花酱 LeetCode 794. Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State


A Tic-Tac-Toe board is given as a string array board. Return True if and only if it is possible to reach this board position during the course of a valid tic-tac-toe game.

The board is a 3 x 3 array, and consists of characters " ""X", and "O".  The ” ” character represents an empty square.

Here are the rules of Tic-Tac-Toe:

  • Players take turns placing characters into empty squares (” “).
  • The first player always places “X” characters, while the second player always places “O” characters.
  • “X” and “O” characters are always placed into empty squares, never filled ones.
  • The game ends when there are 3 of the same (non-empty) character filling any row, column, or diagonal.
  • The game also ends if all squares are non-empty.
  • No more moves can be played if the game is over.


  • board is a length-3 array of strings, where each string board[i] has length 3.
  • Each board[i][j] is a character in the set {" ", "X", "O"}.

Idea: Verify all rules




花花酱 LeetCode 636. Exclusive Time of Functions


Given the running logs of n functions that are executed in a nonpreemptive single threaded CPU, find the exclusive time of these functions.

Each function has a unique id, start from 0 to n-1. A function may be called recursively or by another function.

A log is a string has this format : function_id:start_or_end:timestamp. For example, "0:start:0" means function 0 starts from the very beginning of time 0. "0:end:0" means function 0 ends to the very end of time 0.

Exclusive time of a function is defined as the time spent within this function, the time spent by calling other functions should not be considered as this function’s exclusive time. You should return the exclusive time of each function sorted by their function id.

Example 1:


  1. Input logs will be sorted by timestamp, NOT log id.
  2. Your output should be sorted by function id, which means the 0th element of your output corresponds to the exclusive time of function 0.
  3. Two functions won’t start or end at the same time.
  4. Functions could be called recursively, and will always end.
  5. 1 <= n <= 100

Solution: Simulate using stack