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Posts tagged as “medium”

花花酱 LeetCode 2452. Words Within Two Edits of Dictionary

You are given two string arrays, queries and dictionary. All words in each array comprise of lowercase English letters and have the same length.

In one edit you can take a word from queries, and change any letter in it to any other letter. Find all words from queries that, after a maximum of two edits, equal some word from dictionary.

Return a list of all words from queriesthat match with some word from dictionary after a maximum of two edits. Return the words in the same order they appear in queries.

Example 1:

Input: queries = ["word","note","ants","wood"], dictionary = ["wood","joke","moat"]
Output: ["word","note","wood"]
- Changing the 'r' in "word" to 'o' allows it to equal the dictionary word "wood".
- Changing the 'n' to 'j' and the 't' to 'k' in "note" changes it to "joke".
- It would take more than 2 edits for "ants" to equal a dictionary word.
- "wood" can remain unchanged (0 edits) and match the corresponding dictionary word.
Thus, we return ["word","note","wood"].

Example 2:

Input: queries = ["yes"], dictionary = ["not"]
Output: []
Applying any two edits to "yes" cannot make it equal to "not". Thus, we return an empty array.


  • 1 <= queries.length, dictionary.length <= 100
  • n == queries[i].length == dictionary[j].length
  • 1 <= n <= 100
  • All queries[i] and dictionary[j] are composed of lowercase English letters.

Solution: Hamming distance + Brute Force

For each query word q, check the hamming distance between it and all words in the dictionary.

Time complexity: O(|q|*|d|*n)
Space complexity: O(1)


花花酱 LeetCode 2420. Find All Good Indices

You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums of size n and a positive integer k.

We call an index i in the range k <= i < n - k good if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The k elements that are just before the index i are in non-increasing order.
  • The k elements that are just after the index i are in non-decreasing order.

Return an array of all good indices sorted in increasing order.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [2,1,1,1,3,4,1], k = 2
Output: [2,3]
Explanation: There are two good indices in the array:
- Index 2. The subarray [2,1] is in non-increasing order, and the subarray [1,3] is in non-decreasing order.
- Index 3. The subarray [1,1] is in non-increasing order, and the subarray [3,4] is in non-decreasing order.
Note that the index 4 is not good because [4,1] is not non-decreasing.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [2,1,1,2], k = 2
Output: []
Explanation: There are no good indices in this array.


  • n == nums.length
  • 3 <= n <= 105
  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 106
  • 1 <= k <= n / 2

Solution: Prefix Sum

Let before[i] = length of longest non-increasing subarray ends of nums[i].
Let after[i] = length of longest non-decreasing subarray ends of nums[i].

An index is good if nums[i – 1] >= k and nums[i + k] >= k

Time complexity: O(n + (n – 2*k))
Space complexity: O(n)


花花酱 LeetCode 2419. Longest Subarray With Maximum Bitwise AND

You are given an integer array nums of size n.

Consider a non-empty subarray from nums that has the maximum possible bitwise AND.

  • In other words, let k be the maximum value of the bitwise AND of any subarray of nums. Then, only subarrays with a bitwise AND equal to k should be considered.

Return the length of the longest such subarray.

The bitwise AND of an array is the bitwise AND of all the numbers in it.

subarray is a contiguous sequence of elements within an array.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,2,3,3,2,2]
Output: 2
The maximum possible bitwise AND of a subarray is 3.
The longest subarray with that value is [3,3], so we return 2.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [1,2,3,4]
Output: 1
The maximum possible bitwise AND of a subarray is 4.
The longest subarray with that value is [4], so we return 1.


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 105
  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 106

Solution: Find the largest number

a & b <= a
a & b <= b
if b > a, a & b < b, we choose to start a new sequence of “b” instead of continuing with “ab”

Basically, we find the largest number in the array and count the longest sequence of it. Note, there will be some tricky cases like.
b b b b a b
b a b b b b
We need to return 4 instead of 1.

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)


花花酱 LeetCode 2410. Maximum Matching of Players With Trainers

You are given a 0-indexed integer array players, where players[i] represents the ability of the ith player. You are also given a 0-indexed integer array trainers, where trainers[j] represents the training capacity of the jth trainer.

The ith player can match with the jth trainer if the player’s ability is less than or equal to the trainer’s training capacity. Additionally, the ith player can be matched with at most one trainer, and the jth trainer can be matched with at most one player.

Return the maximum number of matchings between players and trainers that satisfy these conditions.

Example 1:

Input: players = [4,7,9], trainers = [8,2,5,8]
Output: 2
One of the ways we can form two matchings is as follows:
- players[0] can be matched with trainers[0] since 4 <= 8.
- players[1] can be matched with trainers[3] since 7 <= 8.
It can be proven that 2 is the maximum number of matchings that can be formed.

Example 2:

Input: players = [1,1,1], trainers = [10]
Output: 1
The trainer can be matched with any of the 3 players.
Each player can only be matched with one trainer, so the maximum answer is 1.


  • 1 <= players.length, trainers.length <= 105
  • 1 <= players[i], trainers[j] <= 109

Solution: Sort + Two Pointers

Sort players and trainers.

Loop through players, skip trainers until he/she can match the current players.

Time complexity: O(nlogn + mlogm + n + m)
Space complexity: O(1)


花花酱 LeetCode 2396. Strictly Palindromic Number

An integer n is strictly palindromic if, for every base b between 2 and n - 2 (inclusive), the string representation of the integer n in base b is palindromic.

Given an integer n, return true if n is strictly palindromic and false otherwise.

A string is palindromic if it reads the same forward and backward.

Example 1:

Input: n = 9
Output: false
Explanation: In base 2: 9 = 1001 (base 2), which is palindromic.
In base 3: 9 = 100 (base 3), which is not palindromic.
Therefore, 9 is not strictly palindromic so we return false.
Note that in bases 4, 5, 6, and 7, n = 9 is also not palindromic.

Example 2:

Input: n = 4
Output: false
Explanation: We only consider base 2: 4 = 100 (base 2), which is not palindromic.
Therefore, we return false.


  • 4 <= n <= 105

Solution: Just return false

No such number.

Time complexity: O(1)
Space complexity: O(1)
