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Posts published in “Graph”

花花酱 LeetCode 818. Race Car



Your car starts at position 0 and speed +1 on an infinite number line.  (Your car can go into negative positions.)

Your car drives automatically according to a sequence of instructions A (accelerate) and R (reverse).

When you get an instruction “A”, your car does the following: position += speed, speed *= 2.

When you get an instruction “R”, your car does the following: if your speed is positive then speed = -1 , otherwise speed = 1.  (Your position stays the same.)

For example, after commands “AAR”, your car goes to positions 0->1->3->3, and your speed goes to 1->2->4->-1.

Now for some target position, say the length of the shortest sequence of instructions to get there.

Example 1:
target = 3
Output: 2
The shortest instruction sequence is "AA".
Your position goes from 0->1->3.
Example 2:
target = 6
Output: 5
The shortest instruction sequence is "AAARA".
Your position goes from 0->1->3->7->7->6.


  • 1 <= target <= 10000.


Visualization of the Solution


Solution 1: BFS



Solution 2: DP O(TlogT)


Solution 3: DP O(T^2)

m[t][d] : min steps to reach t and facing d (0 = right, 1 = left)

Time Complexity: O(n^2)

Space complexity: O(n)




花花酱 LeetCode 817. Linked List Components



We are given head, the head node of a linked list containing unique integer values.

We are also given the list G, a subset of the values in the linked list.

Return the number of connected components in G, where two values are connected if they appear consecutively in the linked list.

Example 1:

head: 0->1->2->3
G = [0, 1, 3]
Output: 2
0 and 1 are connected, so [0, 1] and [3] are the two connected components.

Example 2:

head: 0->1->2->3->4
G = [0, 3, 1, 4]
Output: 2
0 and 1 are connected, 3 and 4 are connected, so [0, 1] and [3, 4] are the two connected components.


  • If N is the length of the linked list given by head1 <= N <= 10000.
  • The value of each node in the linked list will be in the range [0, N - 1].
  • 1 <= G.length <= 10000.
  • G is a subset of all values in the linked list.

Solution1: Graph Traversal using DFS

Solution 2: Count tail node in sub graph


花花酱 LeetCode 815. Bus Routes



We have a list of bus routes. Each routes[i] is a bus route that the i-th bus repeats forever. For example if routes[0] = [1, 5, 7], this means that the first bus (0-th indexed) travels in the sequence 1->5->7->1->5->7->1->… forever.

We start at bus stop S (initially not on a bus), and we want to go to bus stop T. Travelling by buses only, what is the least number of buses we must take to reach our destination? Return -1 if it is not possible.

routes = [[1, 2, 7], [3, 6, 7]]
S = 1
T = 6
Output: 2
The best strategy is take the first bus to the bus stop 7, then take the second bus to the bus stop 6.


  • 1 <= routes.length <= 500.
  • 1 <= routes[i].length <= 500.
  • 0 <= routes[i][j] < 10 ^ 6.

Solution: BFS

Time Complexity: O(m*n) m: # of buses, n: # of routes

Space complexity: O(m*n + m)



花花酱 LeetCode 433. Minimum Genetic Mutation



A gene string can be represented by an 8-character long string, with choices from "A""C""G""T".

Suppose we need to investigate about a mutation (mutation from “start” to “end”), where ONE mutation is defined as ONE single character changed in the gene string.

For example, "AACCGGTT" -> "AACCGGTA" is 1 mutation.

Also, there is a given gene “bank”, which records all the valid gene mutations. A gene must be in the bank to make it a valid gene string.

Now, given 3 things – start, end, bank, your task is to determine what is the minimum number of mutations needed to mutate from “start” to “end”. If there is no such a mutation, return -1.


  1. Starting point is assumed to be valid, so it might not be included in the bank.
  2. If multiple mutations are needed, all mutations during in the sequence must be valid.
  3. You may assume start and end string is not the same.

Example 1:

start: "AACCGGTT"
end:   "AACCGGTA"
bank: ["AACCGGTA"]

return: 1

Example 2:

start: "AACCGGTT"
end:   "AAACGGTA"

return: 2

Example 3:

start: "AAAAACCC"
end:   "AACCCCCC"

return: 3

Solution: BFS Shortest Path

Time complexity: O(n^2)

Space complexity: O(n)


花花酱 LeetCode 802. Find Eventual Safe States



In a directed graph, we start at some node and every turn, walk along a directed edge of the graph.  If we reach a node that is terminal (that is, it has no outgoing directed edges), we stop.

Now, say our starting node is eventually safe if and only if we must eventually walk to a terminal node.  More specifically, there exists a natural number K so that for any choice of where to walk, we must have stopped at a terminal node in less than K steps.

Which nodes are eventually safe?  Return them as an array in sorted order.

The directed graph has N nodes with labels 0, 1, ..., N-1, where N is the length of graph.  The graph is given in the following form: graph[i] is a list of labels j such that (i, j) is a directed edge of the graph.

Input: graph = [[1,2],[2,3],[5],[0],[5],[],[]]
Output: [2,4,5,6]
Here is a diagram of the above graph.

Illustration of graph


  • graph will have length at most 10000.
  • The number of edges in the graph will not exceed 32000.
  • Each graph[i] will be a sorted list of different integers, chosen within the range [0, graph.length - 1].

Idea: Finding Cycles

Solution 1: DFS

 A node is safe if and only if: itself and all of its neighbors do not have any cycles.

Time complexity: O(V + E)

Space complexity: O(V + E)

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