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Huahua's Tech Road

花花酱 LeetCode 1109. Corporate Flight Bookings

There are n flights, and they are labeled from 1 to n.

We have a list of flight bookings.  The i-th booking bookings[i] = [i, j, k] means that we booked kseats from flights labeled i to j inclusive.

Return an array answer of length n, representing the number of seats booked on each flight in order of their label.

Example 1:

Input: bookings = [[1,2,10],[2,3,20],[2,5,25]], n = 5
Output: [10,55,45,25,25]


  • 1 <= bookings.length <= 20000
  • 1 <= bookings[i][0] <= bookings[i][1] <= n <= 20000
  • 1 <= bookings[i][2] <= 10000

Solution: Marking start and end

Time complexity: O(|bookings|)
Space complexity: O(n)


花花酱 LeetCode 1108. Defanging an IP Address

Given a valid (IPv4) IP address, return a defanged version of that IP address.

defanged IP address replaces every period "." with "[.]".

Example 1:

Input: address = ""
Output: "1[.]1[.]1[.]1"

Example 2:

Input: address = ""
Output: "255[.]100[.]50[.]0"


  • The given address is a valid IPv4 address.

Solution: String

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)


花花酱 LeetCode 391. Perfect Rectangle

Given N axis-aligned rectangles where N > 0, determine if they all together form an exact cover of a rectangular region.

Each rectangle is represented as a bottom-left point and a top-right point. For example, a unit square is represented as [1,1,2,2]. (coordinate of bottom-left point is (1, 1) and top-right point is (2, 2)).

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Example 4:

Solution: Counting corner points


花花酱 LeetCode 1104. Path In Zigzag Labelled Binary Tree

In an infinite binary tree where every node has two children, the nodes are labelled in row order.

In the odd numbered rows (ie., the first, third, fifth,…), the labelling is left to right, while in the even numbered rows (second, fourth, sixth,…), the labelling is right to left.

Given the label of a node in this tree, return the labels in the path from the root of the tree to the node with that label.

Example 1:

Input: label = 14
Output: [1,3,4,14]

Example 2:

Input: label = 26
Output: [1,2,6,10,26]


  • 1 <= label <= 10^6

Solution: Math

Time complexity: O(logn)
Space complexity: O(logn)


花花酱 LeetCode 1106. Parsing A Boolean Expression

Return the result of evaluating a given boolean expression, represented as a string.

An expression can either be:

  • "t", evaluating to True;
  • "f", evaluating to False;
  • "!(expr)", evaluating to the logical NOT of the inner expression expr;
  • "&(expr1,expr2,...)", evaluating to the logical AND of 2 or more inner expressions expr1, expr2, ...;
  • "|(expr1,expr2,...)", evaluating to the logical OR of 2 or more inner expressions expr1, expr2, ...

Example 1:

Input: expression = "!(f)"
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: expression = "|(f,t)"
Output: true

Example 3:

Input: expression = "&(t,f)"
Output: false

Example 4:

Input: expression = "|(&(t,f,t),!(t))"
Output: false

Solution: Recursion

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)

