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Posts tagged as “DFS”

花花酱 LeetCode 1655. Distribute Repeating Integers

You are given an array of n integers, nums, where there are at most 50 unique values in the array. You are also given an array of m customer order quantities, quantity, where quantity[i] is the amount of integers the ith customer ordered. Determine if it is possible to distribute nums such that:

  • The ith customer gets exactly quantity[i] integers,
  • The integers the ith customer gets are all equal, and
  • Every customer is satisfied.

Return true if it is possible to distribute nums according to the above conditions.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,2,3,4], quantity = [2]
Output: false
Explanation: The 0th customer cannot be given two different integers.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [1,2,3,3], quantity = [2]
Output: true
Explanation: The 0th customer is given [3,3]. The integers [1,2] are not used.

Example 3:

Input: nums = [1,1,2,2], quantity = [2,2]
Output: true
Explanation: The 0th customer is given [1,1], and the 1st customer is given [2,2].

Example 4:

Input: nums = [1,1,2,3], quantity = [2,2]
Output: false
Explanation: Although the 0th customer could be given [1,1], the 1st customer cannot be satisfied.

Example 5:

Input: nums = [1,1,1,1,1], quantity = [2,3]
Output: true
Explanation: The 0th customer is given [1,1], and the 1st customer is given [1,1,1].


  • n == nums.length
  • 1 <= n <= 105
  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 1000
  • m == quantity.length
  • 1 <= m <= 10
  • 1 <= quantity[i] <= 105
  • There are at most 50 unique values in nums.

Solution1: Backtracking

Time complexity: O(|vals|^m)
Space complexity: O(|vals| + m)


Solution 2: Bitmask + all subsets

dp(mask, i) := whether we can distribute to a subset of customers represented as a bit mask, using the i-th to (n-1)-th numbers.

Time complexity: O(2^m * m * |vals|) = O(2^10 * 10 * 50)
Space complexity: O(2^m * |vals|)



Bottom up:


花花酱 LeetCode 1625. Lexicographically Smallest String After Applying Operations

You are given a string s of even length consisting of digits from 0 to 9, and two integers a and b.

You can apply either of the following two operations any number of times and in any order on s:

  • Add a to all odd indices of s (0-indexed). Digits post 9 are cycled back to 0. For example, if s = "3456" and a = 5s becomes "3951".
  • Rotate s to the right by b positions. For example, if s = "3456" and b = 1s becomes "6345".

Return the lexicographically smallest string you can obtain by applying the above operations any number of times on s.

A string a is lexicographically smaller than a string b (of the same length) if in the first position where a and b differ, string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b. For example, "0158" is lexicographically smaller than "0190" because the first position they differ is at the third letter, and '5' comes before '9'.

Example 1:

Input: s = "5525", a = 9, b = 2
Output: "2050"
Explanation: We can apply the following operations:
Start:  "5525"
Rotate: "2555"
Add:    "2454"
Add:    "2353"
Rotate: "5323"
Add:    "5222"
​​​​​​​Add:    "5121"
​​​​​​​Rotate: "2151"
​​​​​​​Add:    "2050"​​​​​​​​​​​​
There is no way to obtain a string that is lexicographically smaller then "2050".

Example 2:

Input: s = "74", a = 5, b = 1
Output: "24"
Explanation: We can apply the following operations:
Start:  "74"
Rotate: "47"
​​​​​​​Add:    "42"
​​​​​​​Rotate: "24"​​​​​​​​​​​​
There is no way to obtain a string that is lexicographically smaller then "24".

Example 3:

Input: s = "0011", a = 4, b = 2
Output: "0011"
Explanation: There are no sequence of operations that will give us a lexicographically smaller string than "0011".

Example 4:

Input: s = "43987654", a = 7, b = 3
Output: "00553311"


  • 2 <= s.length <= 100
  • s.length is even.
  • s consists of digits from 0 to 9 only.
  • 1 <= a <= 9
  • 1 <= b <= s.length - 1

Solution: Search


花花酱 LeetCode 1600. Throne Inheritance

A kingdom consists of a king, his children, his grandchildren, and so on. Every once in a while, someone in the family dies or a child is born.

The kingdom has a well-defined order of inheritance that consists of the king as the first member. Let’s define the recursive function Successor(x, curOrder), which given a person x and the inheritance order so far, returns who should be the next person after x in the order of inheritance.

For example, assume we have a kingdom that consists of the king, his children Alice and Bob (Alice is older than Bob), and finally Alice’s son Jack.

  1. In the beginning, curOrder will be ["king"].
  2. Calling Successor(king, curOrder) will return Alice, so we append to curOrder to get ["king", "Alice"].
  3. Calling Successor(Alice, curOrder) will return Jack, so we append to curOrder to get ["king", "Alice", "Jack"].
  4. Calling Successor(Jack, curOrder) will return Bob, so we append to curOrder to get ["king", "Alice", "Jack", "Bob"].
  5. Calling Successor(Bob, curOrder) will return null. Thus the order of inheritance will be ["king", "Alice", "Jack", "Bob"].

Using the above function, we can always obtain a unique order of inheritance.

Implement the ThroneInheritance class:

  • ThroneInheritance(string kingName) Initializes an object of the ThroneInheritance class. The name of the king is given as part of the constructor.
  • void birth(string parentName, string childName) Indicates that parentName gave birth to childName.
  • void death(string name) Indicates the death of name. The death of the person doesn’t affect the Successor function nor the current inheritance order. You can treat it as just marking the person as dead.
  • string[] getInheritanceOrder() Returns a list representing the current order of inheritance excluding dead people.

Example 1:

["ThroneInheritance", "birth", "birth", "birth", "birth", "birth", "birth", "getInheritanceOrder", "death", "getInheritanceOrder"]
[["king"], ["king", "andy"], ["king", "bob"], ["king", "catherine"], ["andy", "matthew"], ["bob", "alex"], ["bob", "asha"], [null], ["bob"], [null]]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, ["king", "andy", "matthew", "bob", "alex", "asha", "catherine"], null, ["king", "andy", "matthew", "alex", "asha", "catherine"]]
ThroneInheritance t= new ThroneInheritance("king"); // order: king
t.birth("king", "andy"); // order: king > andy
t.birth("king", "bob"); // order: king > andy > bob
t.birth("king", "catherine"); // order: king > andy > bob > catherine
t.birth("andy", "matthew"); // order: king > andy > matthew > bob > catherine
t.birth("bob", "alex"); // order: king > andy > matthew > bob > alex > catherine
t.birth("bob", "asha"); // order: king > andy > matthew > bob > alex > asha > catherine
t.getInheritanceOrder(); // return ["king", "andy", "matthew", "bob", "alex", "asha", "catherine"]
t.death("bob"); // order: king > andy > matthew > bob > alex > asha > catherine
t.getInheritanceOrder(); // return ["king", "andy", "matthew", "alex", "asha", "catherine"]


  • 1 <= kingName.length, parentName.length, childName.length, name.length <= 15
  • kingNameparentNamechildName, and name consist of lowercase English letters only.
  • All arguments childName and kingName are distinct.
  • All name arguments of death will be passed to either the constructor or as childName to birth first.
  • For each call to birth(parentName, childName), it is guaranteed that parentName is alive.
  • At most 105 calls will be made to birth and death.
  • At most 10 calls will be made to getInheritanceOrder.

Solution: HashTable + DFS

Record :
1. mapping from parent to children (ordered)
2. who has dead

Time complexity: getInheritanceOrder O(n), other O(1)
Space complexity: O(n)



花花酱 LeetCode 1591. Strange Printer II

There is a strange printer with the following two special requirements:

  • On each turn, the printer will print a solid rectangular pattern of a single color on the grid. This will cover up the existing colors in the rectangle.
  • Once the printer has used a color for the above operation, the same color cannot be used again.

You are given a m x n matrix targetGrid, where targetGrid[row][col] is the color in the position (row, col) of the grid.

Return true if it is possible to print the matrix targetGrid, otherwise, return false.

Example 1:

Input: targetGrid = [[1,1,1,1],[1,2,2,1],[1,2,2,1],[1,1,1,1]]
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: targetGrid = [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,3,3],[1,1,3,4],[5,5,1,4]]
Output: true

Example 3:

Input: targetGrid = [[1,2,1],[2,1,2],[1,2,1]]
Output: false
Explanation: It is impossible to form targetGrid because it is not allowed to print the same color in different turns.

Example 4:

Input: targetGrid = [[1,1,1],[3,1,3]]
Output: false


  • m == targetGrid.length
  • n == targetGrid[i].length
  • 1 <= m, n <= 60
  • 1 <= targetGrid[row][col] <= 60

Solution: Dependency graph

For each color C find the maximum rectangle to cover it. Any other color C’ in this rectangle is a dependency of C, e.g. C’ must be print first in order to print C.

Then this problem reduced to check if there is any cycle in the dependency graph.

1 2 1
2 1 2
1 2 1
The maximum rectangle for 1 and 2 are both [0, 0] ~ [2, 2]. 1 depends on 2, and 2 depends on 1. This is a circular reference and no way to print.

Time complexity: O(C*M*N)
Space complexity: O(C*C)


花花酱 LeetCode 1568. Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect Island

Given a 2D grid consisting of 1s (land) and 0s (water).  An island is a maximal 4-directionally (horizontal or vertical) connected group of 1s.

The grid is said to be connected if we have exactly one island, otherwise is said disconnected.

In one day, we are allowed to change any single land cell (1) into a water cell (0).

Return the minimum number of days to disconnect the grid.

Example 1:

Input: grid = [[0,1,1,0],[0,1,1,0],[0,0,0,0]]
Output: 2
Explanation: We need at least 2 days to get a disconnected grid.
Change land grid[1][1] and grid[0][2] to water and get 2 disconnected island.

Example 2:

Input: grid = [[1,1]]
Output: 2
Explanation: Grid of full water is also disconnected ([[1,1]] -> [[0,0]]), 0 islands.

Example 3:

Input: grid = [[1,0,1,0]]
Output: 0

Example 4:

Input: grid = [[1,1,0,1,1],
Output: 1

Example 5:

Input: grid = [[1,1,0,1,1],
Output: 2


  • 1 <= grid.length, grid[i].length <= 30
  • grid[i][j] is 0 or 1.

Solution: Brute Force

We need at most two days to disconnect an island.
1. check if we have more than one islands. (0 days)
2. For each 1 cell, change it to 0 and check how many islands do we have. (1 days)
3. Otherwise, 2 days

Time complexity: O(m^2*n^2)
Space complexity: O(m*n)
