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Posts tagged as “groups”

花花酱 LeetCode 1335. Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule

You want to schedule a list of jobs in d days. Jobs are dependent (i.e To work on the i-th job, you have to finish all the jobs j where 0 <= j < i).

You have to finish at least one task every day. The difficulty of a job schedule is the sum of difficulties of each day of the d days. The difficulty of a day is the maximum difficulty of a job done in that day.

Given an array of integers jobDifficulty and an integer d. The difficulty of the i-th job is jobDifficulty[i].

Return the minimum difficulty of a job schedule. If you cannot find a schedule for the jobs return -1.

Example 1:

Input: jobDifficulty = [6,5,4,3,2,1], d = 2
Output: 7
Explanation: First day you can finish the first 5 jobs, total difficulty = 6.
Second day you can finish the last job, total difficulty = 1.
The difficulty of the schedule = 6 + 1 = 7 

Example 2:

Input: jobDifficulty = [9,9,9], d = 4
Output: -1
Explanation: If you finish a job per day you will still have a free day. you cannot find a schedule for the given jobs.

Example 3:

Input: jobDifficulty = [1,1,1], d = 3
Output: 3
Explanation: The schedule is one job per day. total difficulty will be 3.

Example 4:

Input: jobDifficulty = [7,1,7,1,7,1], d = 3
Output: 15

Example 5:

Input: jobDifficulty = [11,111,22,222,33,333,44,444], d = 6
Output: 843


  • 1 <= jobDifficulty.length <= 300
  • 0 <= jobDifficulty[i] <= 1000
  • 1 <= d <= 10

Solution: DP

dp[i][k] := min difficulties to schedule jobs 1~i in k days.

Schedule 1 ~ j in k – 1 days and schedule j + 1 ~ i in 1 day.

Init: dp[0][0] = 0
Transition: dp[i][k] := min(dp[j][k -1] + max(jobs[j + 1 ~ i]), k – 1 <= j < i
Answer: dp[n][d]

Time complexity: O(n^2*d)
Space complexity: O(n)


花花酱 LeetCode 410. Split Array Largest Sum


Given an array which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m, you can split the array into m non-empty continuous subarrays. Write an algorithm to minimize the largest sum among these m subarrays.

If n is the length of array, assume the following constraints are satisfied:

  • 1 ≤ n ≤ 1000
  • 1 ≤ m ≤ min(50, n)


nums = [7,2,5,10,8]
m = 2


There are four ways to split nums into two subarrays.
The best way is to split it into [7,2,5] and [10,8],
where the largest sum among the two subarrays is only 18.


Solution: DP

Time complexity: O(n^2*m)

Space complexity: O(n*m)

C++ / Recursion + Memorization

C++ / DP

Solution: Binary Search

Time complexity: O(log(sum(nums))*n)

Space complexity: O(1)