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Nikon Z8 HLG / N-Log Stops vs IRE

Recently I switched from N-RAW to H.265 / HLG for quicker HDR workflow in Final Cut Pro, basically just drop the clips in a HLG timeline and that’s it, just like the iPhone’s Dolby Vision (HLG HDR) footage.

I did some test about IRE vs stops in HLG mode and compared that to the theoretical N-Log curve.

Setup: I expouse the 18% midgray to 36% IRE in HLG mode to match that with N-Log. Adjust the exposure time first then aperture, ISO to over and under expose the midgray for IRE readings.

Note: Techincally, you should expose midgray to 38% IRE in HLG mode (ref), diffuse white will be around 75% IRE, 75%+ is for specular highlights (0~3 stops over diffuse white).

Stops vs IRE

First of all, we can see that HLG curve is more contrastive than N-Log. Highlights will be clipped after 5 stops over midgray which I think is OK for a lot of scences. N-Log retains more infornation in the highlights (if not over-exposed) up to 6.3 stops at the cost of noiser shadows. HLG has more detials in the shadow area, noise floor is about 2% at ISO 400 (12.5% for N-Log).

Another thing intresting is that the HLG curve is very steep from -1 to +3 stops but quickly saturated afterwards (non-linear anymore), highlights are compressed and will clipped around 96% IRE, making sure to set the high zebra to 245 when shooting HLG.

Base ISO for HLG and N-Log

Nikon Z8’s HLG has a “nominal” base ISO 400. Under the hood, the sensor is working at ISO 100, shadows will be boosted by 2 stops while highlights will be intact, bascially you are shooting at ISO 100 with 2 stops under to protect highlights.

N-Log has a “nominal” base ISO 800. Same as HLG, the sensor is working at ISO 100, shadows will be boosted by 3 stops while highlights will be intact, bascially you are shooting at ISO 100 with 3 stops under to protect highlights. However, you will see a lot of noise in shadow area due to insufficient light and 1.3 ~ 1.7 stops “over-exposure” is usually needed to compensate that to get clean image.


HLG has a pretty good balance between highlights and shadows, very user friendly for HDR workflow. Unlike N-Log, there is no need to over-expose (even 1 stop under looks good to me), no camera LUT needed for restoration, zero or minimum color grading needed. Another advantage of HLG over N-Log is monitoring, most of the time you can rely on the screen/viewfinder (with zebra on) to adjust the exposure and only open the waveform if needed.

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